Being in constant community is good. Although the energetic realm, or as I like to call it, this reality is one with many facets.
What do I mean by that?
Sometimes the energy is so much, a lot to take, the continuous reflections and projections are overwhelming.
It’s not that people are bad or the community is stupid (it can also be those things), sometimes we just need to take a step back, go within a little. Reflect on what is really true for us and if we are really being ourselves?
It is my understanding that our knowledge of how energy actually moves and how we really affect each other is still in child’s shoes.
Until we get a better understanding of how it really works and how to better maneuver it, it is of utmost importance to reflect and find ways of knowing ourselves more deeply.
This, in my experience, requires moments (even 5–7 minutes) spent in solitude.
Doing simple work and things in nature are also very good for letting clarity emerge anew.
Ian Altosaar