1# — Interview with Pam Rader — Gradually Letting Go of Control

Ian Altosaar
Aug 1, 2022

In this week’s episode:

Saying Yes first = then figuring out the “How?”

Bridging worlds = the spiritual and material, are they even different?

How to let go of controlling EVERYTHING?

Being vigilant with routines — doing the work = simple yet hard to do

Sniffing spiritual cocaine = how wanting to feel only good all the time turns into an addiction

Predictions and guidance for the week ahead!

Work with Pam: https://pamrader.com/

All important links to work with me and buy my stuff: https://linktr.ee/astroian888

The Cosmic Adults important links: https://linktr.ee/thecosmicadults



Ian Altosaar

Writer at www.ianaltosaar.com, astrologer, spiritual therapist , dreamer. author of The Meaning Book. Get it here: https://amazon.com/dp/B081X34YK7